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Отзыв на Что я думаю о турках,
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From a Turk
Тема: From a Turk

Прислал: ushwaia

Ездил: n/a  Оценка: 7

Новый отзыв

It was interesting for me to read your opinions about Turks. I'm afraid you're right about our man. But I can make some comments for that. What you've seen in Turkey, has been seen in touristic places. At those places, there are lots of men, who used to make easy sex with foreign women. Frankly speaking, there are thousands of woman, who comes to Turkey just for sex. Those guys are mostly low educated people, doesn't understand women soul, they are kind of sex machine.

The comment I didn't feel myself comfortable is "Turks". Unfortunately I can not agree with you about this general idea. The Turks you've met is different.

I strongly recommend you to meet some other type of guys (if it is possible, or if you really want it) from other cities not touristic places. If you met someone in Antalya, Bodrum, Marmaris or Cesme, sorry, you should have less expectations.


1. I found this site one of the magazine in Turkey

2. I've used babelfish site to translate into English

3. I've selected Saint Petersburg city, because I've travelled there several times because of my business.

4. I may not follow this posting here if you wish to contact me you can use ushwaia@msn.com

Best wishes from Turkey


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